Kunci Jawaban PAT B. Inggris Kelas 7 SMP/ MTs Th. 2022

Soalbagus.com - berikut ini merupakan Soal Latihan Ulangan PAT/ UKK SMP/ MTs Kelas 7/VII mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013 revisi lengkap dengan kunci jawabannya dengan soal yang terdiri dari Soal Pilihan Ganda ( PG ) dan Essay ( Uraian ).

Download naskah soal pat/ ukk smp/ mts kls 7 pelajaran bahasa/ bhs inggris kurikulum 2013 dan kunci jawabannya th. 2020 - 2021-2022-2023

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Kumpulan Soal PAT Kelas 7 Th. 2022 Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban
Kumpulan Soal Kelas 7

Berikut adalah Soal Essay dan Kunci Jawaban PAT B. Inggris Kelas 7 untuk berlatih tahun 2022, yiatu :


41. Fill in the gaps. Use the words in the box !
a. My uncle loves to tell jokes to make us laugh. He is jawab : Funny
b. She never talks to a stranger. She is very . . . .jawab : Shy
c. I like doing sports and physical act ivit ies. I’m very . . . .jawab : Energetic
d. Don’t just think of yourself, that’s so . . .jawab : Selfish

42. Read the text below and answer the questions !
My name is Dini. I use the web only on weekends. I visit a lot of websites. My favorites  websites are game websites and science websit es. I’d like to know about all the latest inventions. I like science very much. Someday, I want to be a scientist.  
a. What does Dini want to be? jawab : She want to be a scientist
b. What kind of websites does she like? jawab : She likes game website and science website
c. When does she visit the websites ? jawab : On weekends
d. Why does she visit the science website ? jawab : Because she like to know about the latest invention and she like science veri much.

43. What is the object? 
a. It is for writing letters on the white board. It is  . . . .jawab : It is a marker
b. They are for cutting things. It is . . . . .jawab : It is a scissors
c. It is for sharpening your pencil. It is . . . .jawab : It is sharperner
d. It is for sweeping the floor. It is . . . jawab : It is broom

44. Think she likes
- The classroom are clean and tidy
- The school library has many good books and magazines
- The teachers are smart

Things she does not like
- The school yard is very small
- There are not many plants, so it is very hot in the afternoon.
- The terrace is very crowded during the break
- The students only have the terrace when they are not in the classrooms.

45. Fill in the blanks with has or have.
a. They . . . . . flufy fur. Jawab : have
b. She. . . . . a big dog. Jawab : has
c. Does Bobby . . . a fish? Jawab : has
d. Rabbits . . . . .long ears. Jawab : have

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