Soal PTS B. Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 Th. 2019

Soal PTS B. Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 Th. 2019 ini adalah postingan selanjutnya dari yang merupakan Soal Latihan Ulangan Penilaian Tengah Semester atau UTS ( Ujian Tengah Semester ) mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama ( SMP ) atau Madrasah Tsanawiyah ( MTs ) kelas IX ( sembilan ) sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013/ K 13 terbaru 2017.

Sama seperti kelas 7 dan 8, kelas 9 juga terdiri dari soal pilihan ganda dan essay dengan total soal 45 butir.
soal uts b inggris kelas 9, semester 1, semester 2, semester ganjil, kurikulum 2013, ktsp

Read the texts carefully and choose the correct answers !

1. Lala  : are you coming in lika’s birthday part y to night?
Kaka : .......... she has invited me. I haven’t got the invitation yet.
A. May be
B. of course
C. It’s possible
D. I don’t think

2. Nami  ; do you think that publishing this news will mean a huge increase in our sales volume?
Inem ; ......... but it’s worth considering
A. I agree
B. I don’t think so
C. I’m not sure
D. I’m confused

3. Mrs mala : If I do not have certificate showing ownership of property for the guarantee, will the
bank lend me some money?
Mrs puff : I can’t say that for sure
The underlined sentence is used to express ......
A. Asking for certainty
B. uncertainty
C. Disagreement
D. Suggestion

This dialogue below is for number 4 – 6

Andi : Do we have any Science homework for tomorrow?
Ardi : Huh?! Sorry, what did you say? It's very noisy here.
Andi : I said, Do we have any Science homework for tomorrow?
Ardi : Yes. Mr. Doni told us to do the Science homework for tomorrow.
Andi : Is that true?
Ardi : Yes, it is.
Andi : Thank you. I have to go home now.

4. The underlined is showing........
A. Asking for clarification
B. Expressing Gratitude
C. Asking and giving information
D. Asking for Repetition

5. Which statement is false?
A. Ardi and Andi have Science homework.
B. The home work should be submitted tomorrow.
C. Ardi will do the Science homework at home.
D. Ardi and Andi will do the Science homework together.

6. What expression is used by Ardi to ask repetition?
A. I beg your pardon, please?
B. Sorry, can you repeat again?
C. Huh?! Sorry, what did you say?
D. Sorry, could you repeat what you just said?

Sebelum ke intinya, berikut sarankan soal latihan lainnya :

Soal PTS B. Inggris SMP/ MTS Kelas 7 Semester 1 Th. 2019
Soal PTS B. Inggris SMP/ MTS Kelas 8 Semester 1 Th. 2019
Soal PTS B. Inggris SMP/ MTS Kelas 9 Semester 1 Th. 2019

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